Monday, February 5, 2007

More Thoughts on Blogging in Education

Blogging can simply be thought of as another form of "modern" communication. It's applications can be useful in a very wide range of areas, specifically in education. Whether to keep parents informed, offer a channel for open communication among students, or to create a method of extra help and support for students, blogging can be very helpful in the classroom setting.

At first I was strongly against this whole idea of blogging. I am very concerned about anonymity and safety with the internet, a fear which has been widely portrayed by the media as dangerous. I feel that it is good for bringing classmates together to discuss classroom issues and help each other along. However, I also feel that if blogging is enacted in the classroom, special safety and security measures should be taken to protect the students.

I still do not see the full effects that this can have when dealing with coursework, but I do feel that this can be a powerful tool in the classroom. With the issues and hardships that students face, blogging could be helpful not just for the classroom, but for an entire school. Bringing students together to help each other work through their difficulties through blogging can help to overcome some of the pressures students face today.

1 comment:

bridgetposey said...

I agree with a lot that you said. There are a lot of things to consider when requiring a class to blog... If you require it, will you give them internet access time in class? A lot of students may not have access to a computer with internet outside of school. You would also have to monitor everything that they post. You would not want them posting personal info on the web. Will parents have access? Anyway, thanks for sharing