Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blogging in Education

I guess Dr. Strange is starting to change my mind about this whole blogging thing. I am now starting to see where this can be a useful measure in the classroom. From what we have been doing so far, blogging can be a very effective tool in encouraging your students, offering pointers and advice, and providing a way for students to help and encourage one another. I also think it could be useful in encouraging involvement by the parents and keeping them informed and on top of what is going on in the classroom.

By the way, I really enjoyed everyone's presentations on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun and was really nice to have a way to learn more about all of my classmates. We truly have a very interesting and fun group. Now that we know more about each other, I think the ice has broken and we will have more to talk and blog about. Thanks, Dr. Strange.

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