Sunday, January 21, 2007

Only 2 weeks into the semester--already burnt out

I don't know how some people do it. I guess they are really motivated. I have a teacher who is a dean of one of the school's departments, teaches a night class, is working on her doctorate dissertation, and is married with a one-year old and 3-year old. I work full time and go to school full time, only have kids part-time, and am already worn out and don't know how I'll make it til the end of the semester, much less til graduation. I do feel that I lack motivation. I know that is one of my obstacles. I really am ready to finally complete my education and graduate, but I am also aware of how much I am faced with these next 2 years. I often find myself strongly desiring a break. I just keep trying to focus on the end and the rewards that I will experience when I finally am finished with this degree. 2 more years. 2 more years. This is really not that long, but I sure do miss my calm, relaxing life when I got off work and go to go home to do whatever I felt like. Oh, forgot to mention that I also am in the process of moving (Maybe I'm just trying to torture myself). I know this is something that a some of my other classmates are also experiencing. Some pointers would be great if you have them. How do you cope and keep yourself motivated?


John Hadley Strange said...

Other people for whom you are responsible seems to help in the motivation department!

Mary Ann Figgers said...


one thing I can truly say about you is the fact that you are honest about sharing your feelings. Well, I have good news for you. I want you to listen to my presentation tonight and maybe that will encourage you. Just hold on, hang on,or even drag on. Life will get better.

Mary Ann Figgers