Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blogs in other Classrooms

Mr. Schmidt of Millwood Magnet School in Kalamazoo, MI, uses blogs in his classroom to keep his math students and their parents informed of upcoming classroom and school events. He posts objectives, weekly agendas, upcoming tests,and even such school events as the end of the football season. I like this use of blogging because it keeps the students informed and the parents involved in what is going in their child's class.

Another interesting blog that I found is from Mrs. Myrmels 3rd grade class at Bauer Elementary. She not only keeps the students and parents informed of classroom events and agendas, she posts pictures from their school assemblies and gets the children involved by allowing them to help organize a classroom podcast. She even posts the classroom newsletter and there is a resource album that contains lots of pictures, not only of the kids' activities but also of course related subjects such as math and science topics.

I am having trouble with my pop-up blocker. I have some pictures to post from these links and will do so as soon as I can get to another computer.


Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

I showed your website to people I work with. They thought it was great and funny too. Very true and very enjoyable. Lisamarie