Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Last entry

This is my last blog entry. If you would like to visit my web site, go to http://www.johnstrange.com/edm310t6spring07/Gibson/

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blogs in other Classrooms

Mr. Schmidt of Millwood Magnet School in Kalamazoo, MI, uses blogs in his classroom to keep his math students and their parents informed of upcoming classroom and school events. He posts objectives, weekly agendas, upcoming tests,and even such school events as the end of the football season. I like this use of blogging because it keeps the students informed and the parents involved in what is going in their child's class.

Another interesting blog that I found is from Mrs. Myrmels 3rd grade class at Bauer Elementary. She not only keeps the students and parents informed of classroom events and agendas, she posts pictures from their school assemblies and gets the children involved by allowing them to help organize a classroom podcast. She even posts the classroom newsletter and there is a resource album that contains lots of pictures, not only of the kids' activities but also of course related subjects such as math and science topics.

I am having trouble with my pop-up blocker. I have some pictures to post from these links and will do so as soon as I can get to another computer.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blogs of my Class

Sure am tired of having to go to Dr. Strange's web site everytime I want to look at everyone's blogs. Just to help myself find you all a little easier, I am posting the link to all of our blogs here

Monday, February 5, 2007

More Thoughts on Blogging in Education

Blogging can simply be thought of as another form of "modern" communication. It's applications can be useful in a very wide range of areas, specifically in education. Whether to keep parents informed, offer a channel for open communication among students, or to create a method of extra help and support for students, blogging can be very helpful in the classroom setting.

At first I was strongly against this whole idea of blogging. I am very concerned about anonymity and safety with the internet, a fear which has been widely portrayed by the media as dangerous. I feel that it is good for bringing classmates together to discuss classroom issues and help each other along. However, I also feel that if blogging is enacted in the classroom, special safety and security measures should be taken to protect the students.

I still do not see the full effects that this can have when dealing with coursework, but I do feel that this can be a powerful tool in the classroom. With the issues and hardships that students face, blogging could be helpful not just for the classroom, but for an entire school. Bringing students together to help each other work through their difficulties through blogging can help to overcome some of the pressures students face today.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Good Place for a Family Reunion

Triple N Ranch
Eugene's presentation reminded me of a place where we went for our last family reunion. It is close to where I'm from in NW Mississippi and the prices are really reasonable. There is a day rate and an overnight rate. A group of us from the church singles group also got together the summer before last and went there. We had a blast. My favorite part was definitely the slip and slide. The ranch is in the hills and there is a long piece of plastic that is set up that runs down a hill. A couple of water hoses and a lot of baby oil and down you go. It is tons of fun, especially when there's a bunch of crazy adults doing it. My 40-something cousin even slid with the kids at the family reunion. There are lots of great things to do there--fishing, horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, or just hanging out and relaxing. The main area is set up in and around a barn that has been transformed into a guest area with plenty of bunk beds, a living area with cable TV, men's and women's restrooms with showers, and a full kitchen with a large eating room. There is also a gazebo set up outside with one or two large grills. Great place for large or small get-togethers. The link is their web site and gives some pictures and information. I have also attached a picture from their site of the barn.

Blogging in Education

I guess Dr. Strange is starting to change my mind about this whole blogging thing. I am now starting to see where this can be a useful measure in the classroom. From what we have been doing so far, blogging can be a very effective tool in encouraging your students, offering pointers and advice, and providing a way for students to help and encourage one another. I also think it could be useful in encouraging involvement by the parents and keeping them informed and on top of what is going on in the classroom.

By the way, I really enjoyed everyone's presentations on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun and was really nice to have a way to learn more about all of my classmates. We truly have a very interesting and fun group. Now that we know more about each other, I think the ice has broken and we will have more to talk and blog about. Thanks, Dr. Strange.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Only 2 weeks into the semester--already burnt out

I don't know how some people do it. I guess they are really motivated. I have a teacher who is a dean of one of the school's departments, teaches a night class, is working on her doctorate dissertation, and is married with a one-year old and 3-year old. I work full time and go to school full time, only have kids part-time, and am already worn out and don't know how I'll make it til the end of the semester, much less til graduation. I do feel that I lack motivation. I know that is one of my obstacles. I really am ready to finally complete my education and graduate, but I am also aware of how much I am faced with these next 2 years. I often find myself strongly desiring a break. I just keep trying to focus on the end and the rewards that I will experience when I finally am finished with this degree. 2 more years. 2 more years. This is really not that long, but I sure do miss my calm, relaxing life when I got off work and go to go home to do whatever I felt like. Oh, forgot to mention that I also am in the process of moving (Maybe I'm just trying to torture myself). I know this is something that a some of my other classmates are also experiencing. Some pointers would be great if you have them. How do you cope and keep yourself motivated?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My classmate

I would like to introduce you to one of my classmates. This is Bridget.

Still Week 2--My school's education website

I am a student at the University of Alabama - College of Education. To visit the education department's web site, CLICK HERE

Week 2-- Working on presentation about myself

This week, we are working on our power point presentations. I am focusing mine on family and my trip home this past Christmas. Although it was a short trip, I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed seeing my family. The last few months I have been reflecting on how different my life is from the way it was 7 or 8 years ago and how different it is from what I dreamed, hoped, or even expected it to be. This will also be approached in my presentation. There have been a lot of new experiences this last year and I want to inform others of how not everything in life turns out the way you plan, but sometimes unexpected events are welcome.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1/09/2007--Week 1-- Time to start blogging

Welcome to my blog!

Time to get started on something I thought I'd never do. I've heard of blogging but never had an interest in doing this. Lots of friends have myspace accounts, which I guess is the most popular site for blogging. I never wanted to put all of my business out there for the world to see. I've searched myspace and found out things about people that I'm sure they wouldn't want their parents to see. I feel some people put too much information on the web that could possibly jeopardize their safety. So, guess it's time to break out of my comfort zone a little and start sharing.