Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1/09/2007--Week 1-- Time to start blogging

Welcome to my blog!

Time to get started on something I thought I'd never do. I've heard of blogging but never had an interest in doing this. Lots of friends have myspace accounts, which I guess is the most popular site for blogging. I never wanted to put all of my business out there for the world to see. I've searched myspace and found out things about people that I'm sure they wouldn't want their parents to see. I feel some people put too much information on the web that could possibly jeopardize their safety. So, guess it's time to break out of my comfort zone a little and start sharing.

1 comment:

John Hadley Strange said...

Looks good. Notice that there is a place to click for comments. You can delete the comments if necessary. The author can also delete them, but no one else. Visit another student's blog and leave them a comment.